Atomic collisions at ultrarelativistic energies: 6.4 TeV S and 33.2 TeV Pb

Autor: Helge Knudsen, Sheldon Datz, H. Gao, E.F. Deveney, C. R. Vane, H.F. Krause, R. Schuch, P. Grafström, Roger Hutton, Peter F. Dittner
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 124:169-176
ISSN: 0168-583X
Popis: We have used beams of 6.4 TeV S ions and 33.2 TeV Pb ions obtained from the CERN-SPS facility to study collision processes of heavy ions at ultrarelativistic energies. Measurements have been made of electron-positron pair production, and capture of an electron produced from the negative continuum onto bound states of the moving ion. Here we report on some aspects of these results. In a new formulation for the theory of electronic stopping power of ions at ultrarelativistic energies/Lindhard and Sorensen (LS) find that nuclear size effects should act to reduce the momentum transfer to electrons and hence the stopping power. Using the 33.2-Pb ions, we measured d E d x in C, Si, Cu, Sn and Pb targets. The LS theory was confirmed.
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