Complete and computable orbit invariants in the geometry of the affine group over the integers

Autor: Daniele Mundici
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -). 199:1843-1871
ISSN: 1618-1891
Popis: The subject matter of this paper is the geometry of the affine group over the integers, $${\mathsf {GL}}(n,{\mathbb {Z}})\ltimes {\mathbb {Z}}^n$$ . Turing-computable complete $${\mathsf {GL}}(n,{\mathbb {Z}})\ltimes {\mathbb {Z}}^n$$ -orbit invariants are constructed for rational affine spaces, angles, segments, triangles and ellipses. In rational affine $${\mathsf {GL}}(n,{\mathbb {Q}})\ltimes {\mathbb {Q}}^n$$ -geometry, ellipses are classified by the Clifford–Hasse–Witt invariant, via the Hasse–Minkowski theorem. We classify ellipses in $${\mathsf {GL}}(n,{\mathbb {Z}})\ltimes {\mathbb {Z}}^n$$ -geometry combining results by Apollonius of Perga and Pappus of Alexandria with the Hirzebruch–Jung continued fraction algorithm. We then consider rational polyhedra, i.e., finite unions of simplexes in $${\mathbb {R}}^n$$ with rational vertices. Markov’s unrecognizability theorem for combinatorial manifolds states the undecidability of the problem whether two rational polyhedra P and $$P'$$ are continuously $${\mathsf {GL}}(n,{\mathbb {Q}})\ltimes {\mathbb {Q}}^n$$ -equidissectable. The same problem for the continuous $${\mathsf {GL}}(n,{\mathbb {Z}})\ltimes {\mathbb {Z}}^n$$ -equidissectability of P and $$P'$$ is open. We prove the decidability of the problem whether two rational polyhedra P and $$P'$$ in $${\mathbb {R}}^n$$ have the same $${\mathsf {GL}}(n,{\mathbb {Z}})\ltimes {\mathbb {Z}}^n$$ -orbit.
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