Urban Mobility Sensing Analysis through a Layered Sensing Approach

Autor: Kassio Machado, Eduardo Cerqueira, Pedro O. S. Vaz de Melo, Antonio A. F. Loureiro, Thiago H. Silva
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: IEEE MS
DOI: 10.1109/mobserv.2015.50
Popis: The increase of computing power and connectivity provide a favorable scenario to data collection never experienced before. The popularization of computing devices, specially portable and for personal use ones, and the large number of applications for these devices are factors that favor social interactions navigation, entertainment, and others. These applications occasionally evaluate the user context through sensors and their online activities, registering fragments of the user context recorded in semantically valuable datasets. In this study, we investigated the challenge of analysis of heterogeneous data from ubiquitous and pervasive applications using an approach based on layers of sensing. We evaluated the urban scenario considering the mobility of users and the weather. The results showed a phenomenon of behavior transition within a specific temperature range for a group of cities studied in this paper.
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