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The record will include: " Plan form of the site " A measured survey including floor plans, elevations and sections " Photographic record accompanied by appropriate photographic register " Assessment of the building's chronological development " Details of the materials and method of construction, dimensions and architectural treatments " Function and internal layout, discussion of original function and later adaptations " Fixtures and fittings " The significance and architectural merit of the building All work carried out by CAT will be in accordance with: � professional standards of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists, including its Code of Conduct (CIfA 2014a, b), c) � Standards and Frameworks published by East Anglian Archaeology (Gurney 2003, Medlycott 2011) � relevant Health & Safety guidelines and requirements (CAT 2020) � the Project Brief (ECC 2021) A programme of historic building recording was carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust on a threshing-barn at Crowbridge Farm, Chappel Hill, Halstead in June 2021. The threshing barn is Grade II listed and dates to the late 18th century. It is excellent example of 18th-century timber-framed barn, it has been well-constructed by a professional carpenter. The vast majority of the timber-frame consists of original hand-sawn timbers, with minimal areas of modern repair. The barn exists very much as the listing states with the exception of the thatch roof - this has been replaced with corrugated metal sheeting. |