Autor: Iryna Martyniuk
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Psychological journal. 6:58-67
ISSN: 2414-004X
DOI: 10.31108/1.2020.6.9.5
Popis: The article focuses on the importance of diagnostic tools studying students’ readiness to self-education. The available psychological-pedagogical scientific developments on this problem are analyzed. Today, the question of an effective method examining a person’s readiness for self-education remains open. A new method studying students’ readiness for self-education is presented. The theoretical basis for the proposed method is highlighted. The method included the task to imagine oneself in ten different situations that stimulate to model students’ professional self-educational activities. Certain indicators were determined that described the respondents’ readiness to self-education. In particular, the situation 1 verified the respondents’ awareness of the significance of self-education, the situation 2 assessed their need for self-education, the situation 3 assessed stability of the interests, the situation 4 assessed students’ systematic work to satisfy their cognitive interests, the situation 5 assessed students’ independence in finding answers to relevant issues, the situation 6 did their ability to set independently self-educational tasks, the situation 7 evaluated students’ initiative in searches for new information, its processing and use, the situation 8 did students’ persistence in obstacle overcoming for new experience mastering, their volitional efforts during self-education, the situation 9 revealed the respondents’ positive emotional background, satisfaction during self-education, emotional uplift because of acquired new knowledge, skills, meanings etc. as a result of self-education, the situation 10 assessed the effectiveness of students’ self-education acts. We describe how to analyse the results obtained with the presented method. The method validity is substantiated. The proposed method examining students’ readiness for self-education has good reliability and validity and can be applied in psychological-pedagogical practice at universities.
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