Autor: T. V. Ignatiuk, V. P. Pishak, M. A. Ryznychuk
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Clinical & experimental pathology. 19
ISSN: 1727-4338
DOI: 10.24061/1727-4338.xix.3.73.2020.13
Popis: According to parasitological monitoring, almost everyone suffers from the parasiticdiseases during the lifetime, and children are the most often suffering.The aim of our study was to estimate the prevalence of ascariasis and enterobiosisamong children of the Chernivtsi region.Material and methods. The statistical laboratory data of the Regional Children's ClinicalHospital in Chernivtsi for the period 2010-2019 were analyzed. A group of children from0 to 18 years old who requested the laboratory to detect helminthoses was identified andstudied.Results. Over a ten-year period of study, among children aged 0-18 years, helminthosesoccurred in 9.38% of people, and in children aged 0-2 years - in 6.71%.In 2015-2019 of all the children, helminthoses were detected 2.6 times more than in 2010-2014, which was due to the greater number of children who sought medical advice in the clinic.Conclusion. Ascariasis was the most common helminthosis in children of Chernivtsiregion. In people aged 0-18 years, ascariasis was detected in 95.74%, and enterobiosis- in 4.26%. In the age group 0-2 years, ascariasis was diagnosed in 92.07% of children,and enterobiosis in 7.93%.
Databáze: OpenAIRE