Secure Distributed Group Rekeying Scheme for Cluster Based Wireless Sensor Networks Using Multilevel Encryption

Autor: Nasim Afshari, E Omid Mahdi Ebadati, Mohsen Yazdinejad, Faezeh Nayyeri
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Studies in Big Data ISBN: 9783319534701
Popis: Recently evolution in various devices, aid unrealistic dreams of connection between them and people on a large scale comes true and accelerates the idea of the Internet of Things (IoT). Sensors are playing an important role in this way. Conversely wireless sensor networks take the advantages to build a bridge and become an edge for IoT. By enhancing the usage of wireless sensor networks in many fields such as military, having a secure environment for communication within sensors is becoming more obligatory. Wireless sensor networks can be affected by active or passive attacks. One of the important concerns to reach to the aim of the IoT after deploying WSNs is its security. In this chapter, a model that is dealing with a variety of passive attacks, including node capturing and eavesdropping, which make data to be eliminated or changed is proposed. Due to the resource constrained of WSNs, secured schemes that use in ad hoc and wired networks are not appropriate. Additionally, to ensure environmental security and reduce usage of limited resources of sensors, a novel scheme using dynamic key management and encrypted data security is proposed. In order to prevent invader’s access to encrypted data, generating a new key during re-keying model is developed. For this purpose, a random number is sent as a pattern instead of regular sending a new key to a group of sensors for encryption. Index of an array, which is pre-distributed among sensors is determined through location of 1’s in the binary representation of the pattern, involve keys, which used in encryption or decryption. The results show that the complexity of time is \(O(K*N)\), where K is the size of the array, which its keys use in encryption or decryption, and N is the length of the text that should be encrypted or decrypted. Furthermore, by paying more time linearly the security of the network is increased exponentially for the larger scales of networks.
Databáze: OpenAIRE