'Transport and Transport-Infrastructure' - key findings of a 'User Needs' survey

Autor: Christoph Matulla, Katharina Enigl, Audrey Macnab, Philip Evans, Gavin Roser, Samuel Muchemi, Gerald Fleming, Walt Dabberdt, Sarah Grimes, Pekka Leviäkangas
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: The aim of this contribution is to present the design as well as findings of a survey targeted assessing the needs of stakeholders in the transportation domain with respect to climate change driven damages. This ‘User needs survey’ is one of the major objectives of multifarious collaborations investigating anticipatory asset protection strategies under accelerated climate change. The viability of these efforts is guaranteed by pairing up the scientific community (CIT, University of Vienna, BOKU, TU Vienna) with notable stakeholders (F&L, WMO, BMNT).The ‘User needs’ survey, was carried out in cooperation between the Climate Impact Team (CIT) the European Transport, Freight and Logistics Leaders Forum (F&L) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The aim of the survey is to identify services that stakeholders in the realm of transportation themselves consider significant and beneficial. Therefore, findings should be of vital importance for -- (i) setting up meaningful climate services; (ii) selecting sustainable protection measures strengthening transportation system resilience in the face of future climate change; (iii) compiling the chapter on 'Land Transport' in WMO’s new Service Delivery Guide -- as they ensure the expediency of the services described.Presented results encompass: (i) an assessment of extreme events in terms of their damaging impacts on transport, freight and logistics by stakeholders; (ii) an assessment of the vulnerability of assets in transport, freight and logistics by stakeholders; (iii) an illustration of the extent of impacts climate-change (through shifts in extremes and associated threats) has had on transport, freight and logistics over the past decades; (iv) the stakeholders' expectations regarding future developments towards advancing climate-change and (v) an evaluation of time horizons (short, medium and long term) at which stakeholders need services. A summary completes this contribution.
Databáze: OpenAIRE