Freeze-Fracture Examination of Tight Junctions of Human Eccrine Sweat Glands

Autor: S. S. Spicer, Harvey L. Bank, J. V. Briggman, J. B. Bigelow
Rok vydání: 1980
Zdroj: Proceedings, annual meeting, Electron Microscopy Society of America. 38:634-635
ISSN: 2690-1315
DOI: 10.1017/s1431927600002786
Popis: The prevalence of strands shown by freeze-fracture in the zonula occludens of junctional complexes is thought to correspond closely with the transepi-thelial electrical resistance and with the tightness of the junction and its obstruction to paracellular flow.1 The complexity of the network of junc¬tional complex strands does not appear invariably related to the degree of tightness of the junction, however, as rabbit ileal junctions have a complex network of strands and are permeable to lanthanum. In human eccrine sweat glands the extent of paracellular relative to transcellular flow remains unknown, both for secretion of the isotonic precursor fluid by the coil and for resorption of a hypertonic solution by the duct. The studies reported here undertook, therefore, to determine with the freeze-fracture technique the complexity of the network of ridges in the junctional complexes between cells in the secretory coil and the sweat ducts. Glands from a patient with cystic fibrosis were also examined because an alteration in junctional strands could underlie the decreased Na+ resorption by sweat ducts in this disease. Freeze-fracture replicas were prepared by standard procedures on isolated coil and duct segments of human sweat glands. Junctional complexes between clear cells, between dark cells and between clear and dark cells on the main lumen, and between clear cells on intercellular canaliculi of the coil con¬tained abundant anastomosing closely spaced strands averaging 6.4 + 0.7 (mean + SE) and 9.0 +0.5 (Fig. 1) per complex, respectively. Thus, the junctions in the intercellular canaliculi of the coil appeared comparable in complexity to those of tight epithlia. Occasional junctions exhibited, in addition, 2 to 5 widely spaced anastomosing strands in a very close network basal to the compact network. The fewer junctional complexes observed thus far between the superficial duct cells consisted on the average of 6 strands arranged in a close network and 1 to 4 underlying strands that lay widely separated from one another (Fig. 2). The duct epitelium would, thus, be judged slightly more "leaky" than the coil. Infrequent junctional complexes observed to date in the secretory coil segment of a cystic fibrosis specimen disclosed rela¬tively few closely crowded strands.
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