Correlation Between Personality Competence Of Religion Teachers And Educational Interaction Process With The Character Educational Development Students At 36 Junior State High School Sarolangun

Autor: Mahmud syah, Martinis Yamin
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention.
ISSN: 2349-2031
DOI: 10.18535/ijsshi/v3i9.18
Popis: The ability of Religion teachers in reflecting themselves as a personality who has integrity in carrying outeducational interaction to build student character which is noble and dignified by balancing cognitiveabilities,apektif, and psychomotor on students. The student's character contained in the form of nationaleducation goals namely: faithful and devoted, noble, capable, creative, independent, and responsible. Formsof this character that are now beginning to disappear, causing a variety of behavioral phenomena thatdeviate from young people and teenagers. So it is necessary to provide guidance to the student's character.Guidance will provide reinforcement and changes to good character.The population of all seventh gradestudents were 48 students and the entire population is given the same opportunities as a sample, also knownas probability sampling.
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