An Experimental Investigation of Turbo-Ramjet Engine Intake at Mach 4

Autor: L Venkatakrishnan, TG Pai, SB Verma, Nandhini Raju
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2020 Forum.
DOI: 10.2514/6.2020-3772
Popis: The objective of this research is to investigate the axisymmetric supersonic intake SR-71 scaled model at a Mach number of 4. To understand this mixed compression intake and quality of inlet flow, static and total pressure measurement in the duct are measured. Also, the color schlieren technique is used to observe the shock effects on the external flow. To improve the pressure recovery of intake, surface correction of the cone is attempted. By using taper plug different blockage (0%, 30%,60%,90%) area of exit is obtained to locate normal shock in throat for minimum loss of pressure. Design model, instrumentation, intake operation, inlet buzz, and data analysis are covered in detail in this research.
Databáze: OpenAIRE