Use of enzyme preparations in pig feeding

Autor: O. L. Fabiianska, N. V. Novgorodska
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. 24:70-75
ISSN: 2707-5834
Popis: The search, testing, and introduction of new biologically active substances into diets are urgent directions for increasing the productivity of animals. Their application makes it possible to increase the level of transformation of nutrients into livestock products, realize the organism's genetic potential more fully, and maintain the reproductive functions and vitality of animals within the physiological norm. It is especially relevant in the current economic conditions of animal husbandry when the vast majority of products are produced on the feed of their production and in farms where it is impossible to apply modern technologies of keeping and feeding. Biologically active substances produced by the biotechnological industry, particularly enzyme preparations, will help solve this problem. The use of enzyme preparations in animal husbandry is of great scientific and industrial importance for solving the problem. Its relevance and versatility encourage the search for optimization of the conditions for their effective use in animal feeding, taking into account their impact on the body and the quality of the obtained products. Enrichment of the young fattening pig's diet with bovilact in the amount of 5–10 g per head per day helps to increase the digestibility coefficients of protein and fat and to reduce the digestibility of fiber by 21.0–21.8 %. Such changes in the level of fiber digestibility are possible because the enzyme preparation bovilact neutralizes the activity of the microflora of the large intestine, where partial splitting of fiber occurs. The use of 15 g of bovilact in the pigs' rations did not significantly increase the digestibility of feed nutrients. However, a decreased fiber digestibility was also observed (22.3 %). Adding bovilact to the pigs' diet improves the assimilation of feed nitrogen by the body. In the experimental period, the animals retained 16.0–22.4 % more nitrogen than in the control period. The animals of the first group best-absorbed nitrogen, and 5 g of the preparation was added to their diet. Adding bovilact enzyme to the feed improved the intake of essential nutrients. This is a prerequisite for improving the absorption of these nutrients and increasing the average daily gains of animals. Their absorption into the body has increased, which is the basis for increasing productivity by consuming more nutrients with bovilact-enriched food and losing less in the feces, except for fiber.
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