A Virtual Reality based human-network interaction system for 3D internet applications

Autor: Adrian-Valentin Nedelcu, Florin Barbuceanu, Doru Talaba, Adrian Stavar, Vlad Cristian Stoianovici, Mihai Machedon Pisu
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: 2010 12th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
Popis: The field of Ubiquitous Wireless Sensor Networks has recently been the subject of an exponential development in various telecommunications areas. One of the open issues in this field is to create an interface that would allow the user to naturally interact with the various objects that compose the ubiquitous ambient. An emerging solution to this challenge seems to be the integration of Virtual Reality technologies into these applications. The goal of this research is to investigate a way of assimilating a fully immersive, three-dimensional virtual environment to Wireless Sensor Networks and hence, to develop a human-network interaction (HNI) conceptual system. The integration, in this system, of the paradigm of Televirtuality through the recent concept of “3D Internet” is also studied. To illustrate the concept, a human - intelligent building interaction system is implemented, that allows the user to naturally interact with intelligent objects, actuators, or remote equipment altogether connected within the same network.
Databáze: OpenAIRE