Severe malaria in children at Tsevie hospital (Togo)

Autor: K.E. Djadou, J K Guedenon, Elom Ounoo Takassi, Yawo Dzayissè Atakouma
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: 2017 International Rural and Elderly Health Informatics Conference (IREHI).
DOI: 10.1109/ireehi.2017.8350468
Popis: Malaria is an infectious parasitic disease in the intertropical zone, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, which accounts for 91% of global deaths from this disease The main objective of our work was to describe the epidemiological, clinical, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects of severe malaria in children in the CHR Tsevie pediatric ward. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study of children with severe malaria from 1 January to 31 December 2013. Of the 2209 children hospitalized in 2013, 465 cases of severe malaria or a hospital frequency of 21.05% were recorded. The months of June and October had many more cases. Were corded 240 boys and 225 girls; their age was between 3 months and 18 years (average age = 30 months). The age group 1–4 years (n = 296) accounted for 63.66% of cases. The children presented several general signs among which, the bad general state and palmar pallor respectively in 75,27% and 88,82% (p = 0,001). Of the 476 patients, 366 have good nutritional status; 73 children were emaciated and 26 were severely emaciated. Distribution according to the paraclinical assessment In our sample, all thick drops were positive with parasite densities ranging from 800 to 742,000 parasites / mm3. The severe malaria in children is common and represents 21.05% of hospitalizations. The severe malaria of the child is still a serious affection and its mortality remains important in our country. Delayed treatment, poor nutritional status and hyperparasitaemia increase the risk of hospital lethality of malaria.
Databáze: OpenAIRE