Noise reduction strategies in freehand elasticity imaging

Autor: Yanning Zhu, Jingfeng Jiang, Larry T. Cook, Timothy J. Hall
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: 2002 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2002. Proceedings..
Popis: We are developing a clinical ultrasonic imaging system for real-time estimation and display of tissue elastic properties. We have demonstrated that real-time feedback of elasticity images is essential for obtaining high-quality data (consecutive images with high spatial coherence). The key element to successful scanning is real-time visual feedback which guides the patient positioning and compression direction. Our data have clearly demonstrated nonlinearity in the strain properties of different tissue types. We have also demonstrated that a comparison of the area of a breast lesion observed in strain images versus B-mode images is a sensitive criterion for differentiating malignant from benign tumors. Frame-to-frame variability in strain images somewhat degrades the ability to observe these phenomena. Three strategies for reducing frame-to-frame strain image noise are described. The combination of these post-processing strategies provides a significant improvement in the quality of long sequences of strain images.
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