Ultimate Strength of Typical Stiffened Panels in Container Ships Under Random Non-Uniform Corrosion

Autor: Jinju Cui, Deyu Wang
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Volume 11B: Honoring Symposium for Professor Carlos Guedes Soares on Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering.
Popis: In ship’s life cycles, corrosion can be an important factor for degradation of structural capacity. According to practical observations, non-uniform corrosion takes place instead of uniform corrosion, while investigations status quo on non-uniform corrosion are not enough and are mainly focused on unstiffened plates. So it is necessary to further study the load capacity of ship structures under non-uniform corrosion. In this paper, the ultimate strength of typical bottom panels in container ships under random non-uniform corrosion is studied by Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis (NFEA), and the load-displacement curves and collapse modes are derived. Additionally, the random nature of non-uniform corrosion is modelled and Monte Carlo Simulations (MCS) are performed to study the probabilistic characteristics of ultimate strengths for corroded structures, and the results are compared with uniform corrosion and pitting corrosion according to our previous research. Influences of boundary conditions are also studied.
Databáze: OpenAIRE