The Representation of SME Interests in the TTIP Negotiations: A German Case Study

Autor: Matthias Götz
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Lobbying in the European Union ISBN: 9783319987996
Popis: Gotz discusses lobbying by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on the TTIP negotiations, using the lobbying positions of German SME business associations as a case study. His analysis shows that support for or opposition to TTIP by SME associations rather reflects a response of associations to publicly debated non-trade issues than divergent economic interests of firms in the respective associations. The discussion explores the implications of the positioning by associations along political interests for the representation of economic interests of exporting SMEs in TTIP. The opposition by some SME associations has likely increased the pressure on the European Commission to adjust TTIP to needs of SMEs but simultaneously undermined its ability to pursue issues that would have delivered the biggest economic benefits to SMEs.
Databáze: OpenAIRE