The Minimum Spectral Radius of Strongly Connected Bipartite Digraphs with Complete Bipartite Subdigraph

Autor: Shui-li Chen, Wei-quan Liu, Shu-ting Chen
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Quantitative Logic and Soft Computing 2016 ISBN: 9783319462059
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-46206-6_60
Popis: Let \(\mathfrak {D}_{n, p,q}\) be the set of strongly connected bipartite digraphs on n vertices with complete bipartite digraph, where p, q, n are positive integers and \(p+q\le n\). In this paper, the minimum spectral radius of \(\mathfrak {D}_{n, p,q}\) is studied and extremal graphs with the minimum spectral radius are characterized.
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