Food Habit and Niche Breath of Indigenous Fish Species at Penjalin Reservoir, Brebes District, Central Java

Autor: Yunizar Ernawati, Elinah, Djamar T.F. Lumban Batu
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia. 21:98-103
ISSN: 2443-3462
DOI: 10.18343/jipi.21.2.98
Popis: Knowledge about food habits it is need to see how fish utilize their resources. The objective of this study was to assess feeding habits and niches breath fish species indigenous at Penjalin reservoir. This study was conducted during three months from Maret-Mei 2015. Location of the study were divided into 4 stations and sampling was conducted using gill nets. Feeding habits analysis used of the index of preponderance whereas calculation the niche breath using the method of Levin's Measure. In general, the niches breath of indigenous fish in the Penjalin reservoir ranged between 0.71-3.92. The result showed that uceng ( Nemacheilus fasciatus ), benteur ( Puntius binotatus ), and wader padi ( Rasbora lateristriata) classified as more freely of other indigenous fish species, because it is able to utilize several different resources as a main food. Selective trait shown by ( Dermogenys pusilla ) because only use one kind of natural food with a high percentage.
Databáze: OpenAIRE