Next generation diagnostics for COIL: new approaches for measuring critical parameters

Autor: Seonkyung Lee, Michelle L. Silva, W. Terry Rawlins, William J. Kessler, Steven J. Davis, Amy J. R. Hunter
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
Popis: In this paper we discuss several sensitive diagnostics that have specifically developed for application to COIL and other iodine laser concepts such as AGIL and DOIL. We briefly cover the history of some important diagnostics including recently-developed diode laser sensors for a variety of parameters including: water vapor concentration, singlet oxygen yield, small signal gain, and translational temperature. We also discuss new developments and extensions of prior capabilities including: an ultra-sensitive diagnostic for I2 dissociation, a new monitor for singlet oxygen yield, and a novel diode laser-based imaging system for simultaneous, multipoint spatial distributions of species concentration and temperature. Finally, we mention how these diagnostics have bee successfully applied to the emerging DOIL technology.
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