Identification of Pufferfish Lagocephalus wheeleri, L. gloveri and L. lunaris by High Performance Liquid Chromatography of Pigments in Skin

Autor: Tetsuyoshi Abe, Kenshi Yamashita, Yutaka Sakaguchi, Seiji Nishida, Takeshi Setoguchi
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Food Hygiene and Safety Science (Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi). 32:513-519_1
ISSN: 1882-1006
DOI: 10.3358/shokueishi.32.513
Popis: In order to differentiate between Lagocephalus wheeleri, L. gloveri and L. lunaris, their skin extracts were separated by HPLC/on an Inertsil 5 ODS column (4.6mm i. d.×50cm) using a mobile phase of MeOH-acetonitrile-tetrahydrofuran-H2O (50:35:5:10) at a flow rate of 1.8ml/min, with detection at 445nm. Pigments in skin were extracted with MeOH-CH3COOH (50:1) at 70-80°, and the extract was concentrated, saponified with KOH in EtOH and further extracted with diethyl ether. This extract was washed with distilled water and concentrated. The concentrate was dissolved in the mobile phase.Four main peaks were chosen from among the separated peaks. The three species of pufferfish could be distinguished by the ratio of these peaks. Identification by the present method was possible on boiled skin as well as fresh skin of the three species of pufferfish.
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