Technical Note—Central Limit Theorems for Estimated Functions at Estimated Points

Autor: Lin Fan, Peter W. Glynn, Michael C. Fu, Yijie Peng, Jian-Qiang Hu
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Operations Research. 68:1557-1563
ISSN: 1526-5463
DOI: 10.1287/opre.2019.1922
Popis: The need to estimate a function value from sample data at a point that is itself estimated from the same data set arises in many application settings. Such applications include value-at-risk, conditional value-at-risk, and other so-called distortion risk measures. In this note, Peter W. Glynn, Lin Fan, Michael C. Fu, Jian-Qiang Hu, and Yijie Peng provide a simple proof for a central limit theorem for such estimators, and provide an accompanying batching/sectioning methodology that can be used to construct large-sample confidence intervals in the presence of such estimators.
Databáze: OpenAIRE