Redox behaviour of anionic heterotetranuclear clusters [MCo3(CO)12-2n(C2Ph2)n]− (M = Fe, Ru; n = 0, 1)

Autor: Maurice Gross, J. Rimmelin, Rodolphe Jund
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. 381:239-249
ISSN: 0022-328X
DOI: 10.1016/0022-328x(90)80116-h
Popis: The anionic clusters [MCo 3 (CO) 12-2 n (C 2 Ph 2 ) n ] − (M = Fe, Ru; n = 0, 1) undergo two consecutive one-electron reductions, and a single four electrons oxidation. In the absence of bridging ligand C 2 Ph 2 ( n = 0) the reductive electron transfer can involve either two distinct one electron steps or a single two electrons reaction. The two-step process was observed in the presence of poor electron acceptors and good electron donors (DMF as solvent or other solvents containing PPh 3 ), whereas the one-step process was favoured in solvents such as 1,2-C 2 H 4 Cl 2 , CH 3 CN, and propylene carbonate, which are better electron acceptors and poorer donors than DMF. Thus, the reduction of this cluster is “tunable” either as a two 1e steps process or as a unique 2e step process by appropriate choice of solvent.
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