Demo paper: Content-based non-linear skimming of archived TV programs for online and mobile access

Autor: Jouni Sarvanko, Mika Rautiainen, Arto Heikkinen, Mika Ylianttila
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: ICME Workshops
Popis: In this demonstration, we show an online, non-linear access of time-shifted and archived television program content using content-based online TV services. We present end-user web services and a Mobile EPG application that provide nonlinear direct access to relevant program content skims within a single program using detected novelty word concepts or matching results from free-text search. We introduce services that allow users to find new TV program content with different information seeking behavior: TV Program Search service provides content-based free-text search tool that retrieves most relevant program content to the defined query. Catch-up TV Guide service allows browsing of content-based summaries from recent programs in different program genres. Novelty Cloud service summarizes news topics of a certain week or a month in the form of a novelty word cloud. Mobile EPG application recommends programs that have content similar to program description in the EPG.
Databáze: OpenAIRE