Is Second Hand Smoke associated with Child’s Nutritional Status? A Meta-Analysis

Autor: Rati Kapoor, Arpit Singh
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Introduction The strong relation between parental smoking, children exposure to Second Hand Smoke (SHS) through parents and child growth has been proven. However, the effect is not well defined. Through this meta-analysis, we sought to determine the relationship between SHS exposure and child nutritional statusMethods A meta-analysis has been performed which included articles between 2005-2019, related to SHS exposure and child nutritional status which is accessed through child growth outcomes (Stunting, Wasting, Underweight and Obesity). Relevant studies were searched through Medline, PubMed, JStor and Cochrane Library.Results 17 articles were identified which comprised of different growth outcomes such as overweight, obese, stunting, severe stunting, underweight, severe underweight, wasting and severe wasting. 10 studies showed SHS exposure was highly related to overweight with the pooled risk of 0.26 with 95% CI 0.22-0.29 (I2 = 73.6%). Few studies reported other growth outcomes such as stunting, underweight and obese. Subgroup analysis was done to see the risk associated with different growth outcomes.Conclusion: The current review identified that exposure to SHS may be associated with adverse growth outcomes in children. It is crucial that active smokers, specifically those who live with children or with a pregnant partner, are made aware of the potential effects of SHS exposure on non-smokers. Further studies are needed to see the impact of SHS exposure with different measures of child nutritional status.
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