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espanolEl estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar los avances terapeuticos, el grado de efectividad y las principales manifestaciones clinicas en mujeres victimas de violencia conyugal a traves de la revision de literatura. Se hizo una busqueda en cinco bibliotecas virtuales: EBSCOhost, Scielo, Science Direct, Redalyc y ProQuest. Los criterios de inclusion fueron articulos cientificos a partir del ano 2000 en adelante, en espanol y en la poblacion mundial. Se encontro que la terapia cognitivo-conductual (TCC), la terapia racional emotiva (TRE) y las terapias contextuales fueron las mas utilizadas. Entre ellas, para la TCC existe mayor evidencia de desarrollo y efectividad en resultados, con tecnicas empleadas segun la manifestacion clinica, que varian de 8 a 20 sesiones, con mayor frecuencia en formato individual. Por ello fue la mas aplicada en tratamientos psicologicos para mujeres maltratadas, respaldada por su efectividad. Como nueva propuesta, la terapia contextual tambien resulto efectiva en la intervencion, pero no hay evidencia de mayor empleabilidad. Las manifestaciones clinicas mas trabajadas fueron la depresion, ansiedad, baja autoestima y trastorno de estres postraumatico (TEPT). Sin embargo, las limitaciones de este tipo de estudio no permiten llegar a conclusiones generalizables. EnglishThe study aimed to identify the therapeutic advances, degree of effectiveness and main clinical manifestations in female victims of spousal violence through literature review. Five online libraries were searched: EBSCOhost, SciELO, ScienceDirect, Redalyc and ProQuest. The inclusion criteria were scientific articles written in Spanish and published worldwide from the year 2000 onwards. It was found that the most commonly used therapies were cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) and contextual therapy. Out of these, CBT results showed more evidence of development and effectiveness. The techniques were chosen accordingto the clinical manifestation, lasted from 8 to 20 sessions and were conducted more frequently on an individual basis. Thus, CBT was the most frequently used psychological treatment for battered women due to its efficacy. As a new proposal, contextual therapy was also effective in interventions, but there is no evidence of its widespread use. The most frequently studied clinical manifestations were depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, this type of studies does not allow to draw generalizable conclusions. |