Tolerance of Durum Wheat Cultivars to Postanthesis Drought Conditions as Affected by Seed Priming, Bio-Fertilizer and Potassium Application

Autor: I Nawar Ali, M EL-Genbeehy Mosaad, A. Al-Selhab Osman, M. Shaalan Ahmed, El-Tabbakh Sami Sh.
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2016:51-59
ISSN: 2535-1931
Popis: The present study aimed to investigate the tolerance of different durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum Desf.em. Musn) genotypes to drought stress at heading to maturity stage under the influence of drought alleviation treatments.The field work was carried out at Fuka Research Station, Faculty of Desert and Environmental Agriculture, AlexandriaUniversity, Matrouh Branch Egypt, in 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 winter seasons. The experimental design was split-plot,with four replicates where the main plots included six treatments as follows: 1) Spraying with potassium, 2) Priming withcalcium chloride, 3) Bio-fertilization with HALEX® 4) Seed hydro-priming, 5) Sowing of dry seed (these five treatmentswere subjected to drought by holding irrigation at postanthesis) and 6) Control (irrigation all season). The sub-plotsincluded the three durum wheat genotypes. The results revealed insignificant variation for applied treatments on allstudied characters, except for 100-grain weight, in the two seasons. Cultivars showed significant variations in LAI (at 80DAS), dry weight of spikes (at 50 % heading and 30 days later) and number of grains spike-1 in the two seasons.Interaction between drought alleviation treatments and cultivars was insignificant, for all studied characters in the twoseasons. Also, wheat plants, irrigated all season, gave the highest 100-grain weight (5.31 and 6.48 g) in the two seasons,respectively. On the other hand, Sohag 3 was superior (0.23 and 0.25) to Marjawi (0.19 and 0.21) in LAI, in the twoseasons, respectively. In addition, Beni Suef 5 gave the highest significant dry weight of spikes and number of grainsspike -1 in the two seasons. Drought susceptibility index (DIS) values revealed that seed priming with CaCl2 and watertolerated drought at postanthesis stage and gave comparable grain yield to that of control. Beni Suef 5 and Marjawishowed higher tolerance to drought than Sohag 3.
Databáze: OpenAIRE