Leveraging the Caribbean Diaspora for Development: The Role of Network Effects

Autor: Ikhalfani Solan, Dillon Alleyne
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Contributions to Management Science ISBN: 9783319910949
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-91095-6_4
Popis: This paper argues that it is likely that skilled migration will continue to be encouraged by the OECD countries and developing countries like those of the Caribbean must seek to benefit from such migration. This paper builds on a formal model developed by Dos Santos and Postel-Vinay (J Popul Econ 16(1):161–175, 2003) assuming free migration from the Caribbean to countries abroad and examines the impact of diaspora network effects on future migration flows. Their model assumes that there is a sending and a receiving country for migrants and that the sending country has a lower level of development relative to the receiving country (possibly an advanced developing country). Because the receiving country is technologically advanced, migrants who locate there acquire advanced skills by participating in that economy. However because migrants continue to interact with the sending country, they can help to improve conditions there through a variety of interactions and this also affects the rate of emigration as the sending country becomes more developed. Dos Santos and Postel-Vinay (J Popul Econ 16(1):161–175, 2003) capture such effects through return migration. We add to this model the effect of diaspora networks as an additional mechanism and critical layer of interaction between sending and receiving country.
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