Responsivity of Diamond X-ray Photodiodes Calibrated at NSLS

Autor: J. W. Keister, J. Smedley, E. M. Muller, J. Bohon, R. Garrett, I. Gentle, K. Nugent, S. Wilkins
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings.
ISSN: 0094-243X
DOI: 10.1063/1.3463372
Popis: Single crystal, high purity synthetic diamond is used as photoabsorption and carrier transport medium in x‐ray photodiodes. While the thermal / mechanical robustness and high x‐ray transmission of diamond make such devices attractive for synchrotron instrumentation, state‐of‐the‐art quality material and electrical interfaces further make such detectors feasible. The present work develops methodology for attaining calculable responsivity (photocurrent yield) over a wide range of photon energies (0.2 to 28 keV) to within 5% accuracy. These methods achieve linear response for up to 0.2 W absorbed x‐ray power and response time as low as 1 ns. Details of contact formation / robustness and bias configuration are explored.
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