Evaluation of spectrum measurement devices for operational use

Autor: Devin W. Gray, David T. Seagraves, Leonard L. Romero, Jeff P Johnson, R. T. Devine, Richard H. Olsher
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 476:416-422
ISSN: 0168-9002
Popis: Several neutron spectrometers manufactured by Bubble Technology Industries (BTI) were tested and evaluated in a variety of neutron fields. Findings and conclusions are presented for the following BTI instruments: a modification of the Rotational Spectrometer (ROSPEC) that includes a thermal and epithermal capability, the Simple Scintillation Spectrometer that is used in conjunction with the ROSPEC to extend its high-energy range, and the MICROSPEC N-Probe which is capable of providing a crude spectrum over the energy range from thermal to 18 MeV. The main objective of these measurements was to determine the accuracy of both the energy spectrum and dose equivalent information generated by these devices. In addition, the dose response of the Wide-Energy Neutron Detection Instrument (WENDI-II) was measured in all neutron fields relative to a bare 252Cf calibration. The performance of the WENDI-II rem meter was compared to the dose information generated by the neutron spectrometers. The instruments were irradiated to bare 252Cf and 241AmBe sources, and in a series of moderated 252Cf fields using a standard D2O sphere and a set of polyethylene spheres. The measured spectra were benchmarked with a set of detailed Monte Carlo calculations with the same energy bin structure as that of the instruments under test. These calculations allowed an absolute comparison to be made with the measurements on a bin by bin basis. The simulations included the effects of room return and source anisotropy.
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