Morphology, optical and catalytic properties of polyethyleneimine-stabilized Au nanoparticles

Autor: Nikolai A. Skorik, I. E. Kotenko, Oleksandr Stroyuk, Andriy V. Kozytskiy, Stepan Ya. Kuchmiy, Alexandra Raevskaya
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical. 398:35-41
ISSN: 1381-1169
Popis: Stable colloidal solutions of gold in water and ethanol were produced in the presence of small amounts of linear polyethyleneimine (PEI). In aqueous solutions a lowering of PEI concentration from 0.05 wt% to 0.0063 wt% results in an increase of the average size of Au particles from 3–7 nm to 30−40 nm. In ethanol 5–10 nm Au particles were produced in the presence of 0.0063–0.05 wt% PEI. At 0.05 wt% PEI the Au particles retain individual character but a lowering of PEI content to 0.0063 wt% causes particle aggregation into 80–140 nm globules. The Au–PEI nanoparticles exhibit catalytic activity in reduction of methylviologen bication to cation-radical by sulfide-ions as well as a co-catalyst of photocatalytic water reduction by ethanol with the participation of mesoporous TiO 2 . In both cases individual 4−8-nm Au–PEI particles show a much higher catalytic activity than 80−140-nm globules of aggregated Au–PEI NPs synthesized at a lower PEI content.
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