Importance of transcervical myomectomy in pre- & postmenopausal patients

Autor: L. M. Kappusheva, В. I. Bansova, S. A. Anisimova, J. A. Golova
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 51:78-83
ISSN: 1683-9366
DOI: 10.17816/jowd90027
Popis: Evaluation of the importance of hysteroscopical transcervical myomectomy in pre- postmenopausal patients with submucous myoma. Mechanical myomectomy was performed mostly in patients with submucous myoma of 0 type, as a single-moment operation, but with a short hospital stay. Electrosurgical myomectomy was preferable in patients with submucous myoma with greater intramural component, smaller in size, localized in difficult to reach areas, where the mechanical technique was impossible. 71,1% of the patients after transcervical myomectomy had positive clinical effect concerning uterine bleeding, and 94, 7% of the patients enrolled in the study, could escape the hysterectomy.
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