Calculation of Obstruction Effects on Rarefied Particle Streaming through Short Tubes

Autor: Edward A. Mason, Philip T. Choong
Rok vydání: 1971
Zdroj: Journal of Applied Physics. 42:3755-3761
ISSN: 1089-7550
Popis: A numerical technique has been developed to study the behavior of the flow conductance through a cylindrical channel for various types of rarefied particles. The present method has the characteristics of being accurate and more efficient than the conventional Monte Carlo. In comparison with Clausing and DeMarcus's approaches of solving integral equations, the method is superior by being both versatile and flexible. The channel obstruction effects are characterized by a dimensionless parameter K which is computed in TUBNOF code. Some of the effects investigated are the specular reflection, adsorption, and absorption. The finite molecular mean free path effect on the rarefied particle flow is also considered. The technique can be very useful in studies involving sublimation, molecular beams, cold gas jets, and radiation streaming.
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