Materialeigenschaften von Meniskusgewebe sowie der Einfluß der Menisken auf das Kompressionsverhalten des Kniegelenkes

Autor: W. Plitz, T. Mussack, D. Kohn
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und ihre Grenzgebiete. 131:397-403
ISSN: 1438-941X
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1040045
Popis: Specimens of meniscus tissue were taken from different locations of the medial and lateral meniscus. They were tested to failure in the tensometer and force elongation diagrams were recorded. 28 meniscus specimens (14 medial, 14 lateral) gained at autopsy were available for testing. The posterior third of the medial meniscus and the middle third of the lateral meniscus were the strongest and stiffest parts of the meniscus. Yet local differences within one meniscus were only subtle. One clinical significance of these data is, that for replacement of the medial and lateral meniscus the same homogeneous material can be employed. Six tests under compression were carried out using six knee specimens gained at autopsy. Knee compression tests yielded different results after radial cutting of the meniscus, whereas partial meniscectomy had no effect on deformation and hysteresis. These biomechanical results support the concept of partial meniscectomy and preservation of the meniscal periphery. But they cannot be related to the problem of possible degenerative arthritis after partial meniscectomy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE