European Public Health News * Health in Europe 2020 * EUPHA President's Column * EUPHA office--Public health needs you! * Message from the Regional Director--'Governance for Health in the 21st Century' * Commission Reports on Voluntary and Unpaid Donation of Blood and Blood Components, and Tissues and Cells * Public Health and Welfare--Welfare Development and Health, 10-12 November 2011, The Bella Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark * Book Your Dates: 7-10 November 2012 and join us in Malta

Autor: Brita Kaltenbrunner-Bernitz, Paola Testori Coggi, Julian Mamo, Dineke Zeegers Paget, Walter Ricciardi, Torben Jørgensen, Zsuzsanna Jakab, Finn Kamper-Jorgensen
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: The European Journal of Public Health. 21:543-546
ISSN: 1464-360X
DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckr092
Popis: In this section of the EJPH, we are pleased to report on European public health. This time, the emphasis is on communication: from research to practice and policy; from European level to national, regional level; from public health to the whole society; and from our network to every individual public health professional. We are very honoured that, exceptionally, we have the Directorate-General for Health and Consumers of DG Sanco, Dr Paola Testori Coggi, contribute to this section on the topic of Health in Europe 2020. Of course, we also provide you with the latest information on the 4th European Public Health Conference—Copenhagen 2011 and help you reserve the dates for the 5th European Public Health Conference—Malta 2012. # Health in Europe 2020 {#article-title-2} Putting the European Union back on the road to a healthy economy is the overarching objective of the ‘Europe 2020’ Strategy. It is an ambitious strategy that aims to create more and better jobs, boost productivity and social cohesion through smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. This should be achieved through specific EU-wide targets focusing on employment, innovation, education, reducing poverty and promoting a greener and more resource-efficient Europe. The 27 EU Member States have set their own national targets and have drawn up national plans (National Reform Programmes) to achieve them. Health can play a more prominent part in the national plans. I, therefore, appeal to Member States to recognize health not just as a cost, but as an investment in the drawing up of their respective National Reform Programmes. By investing now in health and health systems, we can reap the benefits, not just today, but in 10, 20, 30 years’ time. This certainly merits further attention and I acknowledge that more evidence is needed to demonstrate the important dual role that health plays both as a driver and as a prerequisite …
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