Molecular Water Clusters in River and and Their Dynamics. Celestial Bodies Influence

Autor: Kristina Zubow, Viktor Anatolievich Zubow, Anatolij Zubow
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Physical Chemistry. 2:56-66
ISSN: 2167-7042
DOI: 10.5923/j.pc.20120205.01
Popis: The long-range order (LRO) at molecular cluster level in the river Peene and the See in is investigated by gravitational mass spectroscopy (GMS). LRO formation is recorded in natural waters, it depends on the water dynamics, light, depth, time of day, solar radiation and the position of the Earth to other celestial bodies. It was found that LRO of water in the lake at a depth of 1 m is sensitive to celestial bodies. It has been analyzed, how the base cluster (H2O)11±1 and its accompanying clusters consisting of 45, 100 and 280 water molecules behave.
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