X-ray structural and spectral study of 1:2 solvate of 2,7-dinitro-4-bromo-10,10-dihydroxyphenanthren-9-one with dimethylformamide

Autor: Yu. T. Struchkov, B. E. Zaitsev, A. M. Andrievskii, G. V. Gridunova, R. V. Linko
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences Division of Chemical Science. 41:710-715
ISSN: 1573-9171
Popis: An x-ray structural study showed the total similarity of the behavior of 2,4,7-trinitro- and 2,7-dinitro-4-bromo-9,10-phenanthrenequinones dissolved in aqueous DMF: addition of a molecule of water at one of the two carbonyl groups with formation of the corresponding 10,10-dihydroxyphenanthren-9-ones takes place in both cases in soft conditions. These products of hydration exist as hydrogen-bonded solvates with molecules of the solvent whose crystals are isostructural to each other. The results of the x-ray structural study are in agreement with the data from the IR absorption and electron absorption spectra; their comparison suggests the existence of equilibrium between the starting compounds and the products of hydration, and the equilibrium position is a function of the polarity of the basic solvent.
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