DeepLinQ: Distributed Multi-Layer Ledgers for Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing

Autor: Emily J. Chang, Pin-Wei Liao, Chun-Ting Liu, Shih-Wei Liao, Lin Wei-Chen, Wei-Kang Fu, Edward Y. Chang, Chung-Huan Mei
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: AIVR
DOI: 10.1109/aivr.2018.00037
Popis: This paper presents requirements to DeepLinQ and its architecture. DeepLinQ proposes a multi-layer blockchain architecture to improve flexibility, accountability, and scalability through on-demand queries, proxy appointment, subgroup signatures, granular access control, and smart contracts in order to support privacy-preserving distributed data sharing. In this data-driven AI era where big data is the prerequisite for training an effective deep learning model, DeepLinQ provides a trusted infrastructure to enable training data collection in a privacy-preserved way. This paper uses healthcare data sharing as an application example to illustrate key properties and design of DeepLinQ.
Databáze: OpenAIRE