
Autor: Raghupathy Sivakumar, Uma Parthavi Moravapalle, Shruti Sanadhya, Cheng-Lin Tsao
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: MobiSys
DOI: 10.1145/3081333.3089311
Popis: Application Mobilization, or the ability of an enterprise employee to rely on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, to continue to perform business workflows even when mobile, is seen as a game changer to improve productivity. However, the practical adoption of enterprise mobility is very much in its in fancy, and seemingly has barriers. We posit that these barriers include heavy user-burden in accomplishing tasks (e.g. number of actions required to execute a workflow), high cost of mobile access (e.g. latency for content fetching), and irrelevance of available mobile functions (e.g. mobile app defeaturization done inappropriately).The novelty of our research is in a unified observe-patternize-mimic paradigm we explore to address these barriers, based on a simple question: could patterns in user-behavior be learned, and leveraged for reducing user-burden? If patterns are discovered, then we show that intelligent mimicking of these patterns at appropriate junctures can considerably relieve the mobile user burden. We motivate this paradigm through three application scenarios representing read, write, and act usage modalities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE