Autor: Sven Poul Nielsen, A. Aarkrog, Qingjiang Chen, Henning Dahlgaard
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 253:451-458
ISSN: 0236-5731
Popis: A procedure has been developed using 242 Pu as tracer for simultaneous determination of 237 Np and 239,240 Pu in environmental samples. The validity of the method has been demonstrated by ICPMS and α-spectroscopy for up to 10 gram soil and sediment, seawater up to 200 litres. The paper describes a suitable chemical procedure for Np and Pu including a quantitative pre-concentration of neptunium and plutonium, preparation of Np 4+ and Pu 4+ , Np(NO3)6 2– and Pu(NO3)6 2– . The ratio of 237 Np/ 242 Pu (or 237 Np/ 239 Pu) before and after the procedure has been determined using 10 g soil (free from Np and Pu) Rbefore/Rafter = 1.004±3.3% (S.D n = 20) and 1 litre seawater Rbefore/Rafter = 1.019±1.9% (S.D., n = 12). Results from the intercomparison samples IAEA-135, IAEA-381 and from environmental samples are presented.
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