Ochrona małoletniego świadka w postępowaniu karnym - wybrane aspekty

Autor: Krystyna Szczechowicz
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Studia Prawnoustrojowe.
ISSN: 2720-7056
DOI: 10.31648/sp.5869
Popis: The article presents an extremely important issue of interrogation of a minor witness who is not a victim. Undoubtedly, the introduction of the provision of Article 185a of the Code of Criminal Procedure was a milestone in the protection of the injured child as a witness in criminal proceedings. The aim of the article is to examine the scope of protection of a minor witness who is not a victim in the course of criminal proceedings. The author presents some of the achievements and shortcomings of Polish regulations in this matter and presents de lege ferenda postulates against them.
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