Correlation between chemical composition of enamel and oral fluid in patients with intact teeth and cervical pathology

Autor: O. S. Zabolotnyi, A. A. Komlev, I. I. Zabolotna
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Reports of Vinnytsia National Medical University. 26:220-224
ISSN: 2522-9354
Popis: Annotation. Cervical pathology of teeth is widespread and polyetiological, saliva plays an important role in its occurrence and progression. The aim of the study is to determine the chemical composition of oral fluid in patients with cervical caries, wedge-shaped defect, intact hard dental tissues; establish correlations between oral fluid and cervical enamel. In this regard 33 patients were divided depending on the condition of hard dental tissues and there were determined: Сa2+, РО43-, SO42-, Na+, К+, Al3+, Mg2+, Zn2+ – by spectrometric methods, Cl- – using a chloride-selective electrode pH-meter. The chemical composition of cervical enamel of 29 removed intact teeth and with cervical pathology was studied using a scanning electron microscope JSM-6490 LV with energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis system INCA Penta FETx3. Molar coefficients were calculated as the ratio of the number of chemical analytes in the supernatant. Statistical analysis was performed using the computer program Statistica 8.0 (STA862D175437Q). Applied: analysis of variance (Welch test), correlation analysis (Pearson's parametric correlation method) based on the determination of the parametric Brave-Pearson coefficient (r) at p0.05) and significant differences were determined in K/Na (p=0.0258). There was correlation between chemical analyte content in the oral fluid and cervical tooth enamel: direct ‑ between Са2+ and РО43-, К+ and Cl-, К+ and Na+; inverse – between Са2+ and К+, Са2+ and Cl-, РО43- and К+, РО43- and Cl- (p
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