Study on Ultrafiltration of Hospital Wastewater Treatment Effluent

Autor: M Mahirullah, I N Widiasa
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 1053:012120
ISSN: 1757-899X
Popis: The Ultrafiltration (UF) membrane is beneficial in the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), including the hospital WWTP. The formation of fouling deposits is often encountered on the membrane surface. Pretreatment and cleaning strategy are needed to maximize flux recovery for the fouled membrane. Therefore, the investigation were conducted for the membrane UF in terms of performance and the cleaning of the UF membrane in terms of cleaning efficiency. Pretreatment of sedimentation and cloth media filtration (CMF) is recommended because the flux reduction rate of 3.3% - 8.2%. The cleaning procedure with NaOCl was carried out under various concentrations with pH 12.6. The cleaning duration was determined as 4 h. The best result of membrane cleaning for the experiment with pretreatment required 100 ppm NaOCl to achieve 96.43% flux recovery, 77.77% fouling removal and hydraulic cleanliness criterion 0.037. Meanwhile, the experiment without pretreatment required 500 ppm NaOCl to achieve 80.59% flux recovery, 51.85% fouling removal and hydraulic cleanliness criterion 0.24.
Databáze: OpenAIRE