Determinants of Skilled Birth Attendants in Neonatal Resuscitation at Nakuru Level Five Hospital, Kenya

Autor: Irene J. Chirchir, Robert Too, M. Kosgei, Irene Marete, Benson W. Milimo
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Editon Consortium Journal of Research in Medical and Health Sciences. 1
ISSN: 2789-4878
Popis: This study sought to determine the skills of the birth attendants in neonatal resuscitation at Nakuru Level five Hospital. Prospective study was used to determine the immediate outcomes of neonatal resuscitation where sixty resuscitated new-borns were recruited into the study and followed up for a period of one month. A descriptive cross-sectional study was used to assess the knowledge and skills of skilled birth attendants where thirty six skilled birth attendants were included in the study with various educational level Certificate, Diploma and Bachelors. Self-administered questionnaires were used to assess knowledge while simulated resuscitation using mannequins was used to assess the skills. Multiple linear regressions were used to compare the mean differences. The findings showed that there were a higher number of resuscitated new-borns among prim gravidas, mothers aged below 20 years and referrals cases. Furthermore male new-borns were found to be twice more likely to be resuscitated than female new-borns. There is need to put emphasis teaching of neonatal resuscitation in all pre-service medical institutions to help reduce the noted discrepancies skills. Efforts should be made by the stake holders; both national and county governments to provide refresher courses yearly to all the staff since it has been demonstrated as having impact on the skills of neonatal resuscitation.
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