System Analysis of the Sequencing Quality of Human Whole Exome Samples on Bgi Ngs Platform

Autor: Korzhanova M, Anna Pavlova, Robert Afasizhev, Dmitriy Korostin, Belova, Denis V. Rebrikov, Irina Bulusheva, Cheranev, Krivoy A, Boris Nikashin, Moskalenko
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.1101/2021.02.02.429394
Popis: Human whole exome sequencing (WES) is now the standard for most medical genetics applications worldwide. The leaders are manufacturers of enrichment kits that base their protocols on a hybridization approach using cRNA or cDNA biotinylated samples specific to regions of interest in the genome. Recently, platforms from the Chinese company MGI Tech have been successfully promoted in the markets of many countries in Europe and Asia. There is no longer any question about their reliability and the quality of the data obtained. However, very few task-specific kits for WES, in particular, are presented for these sequencers. We have developed our solution for library pre-capture pooling and exome enrichment using Agilent probes. In this work, we demonstrate on a set of standard benchmark samples from the Platinum Genome Collection that our protocol, called “RSMU_exome”, is superior to the kit from MGI Tech in qualitative and quantitative terms. It allows detecting more SNVs and CNVs with superior sensitivity and specificity values, generates fewer PCR duplicates, allows more samples to be pooled in a single enrichment, and requires less raw data to produce results comparable to the MGI Tech solution. Also, our protocol is significantly cheaper than the kit from the Chinese manufacturer.
Databáze: OpenAIRE