High conservation of the dental plaque microbiome community across populations with differing subsistence strategies and levels of market integration

Autor: Irina M. Velsko, Sandrine Gallois, Raphaela Stahl, Amanda G. Henry, Christina Warinner
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Industrialization - including urbanization, participation in the global food chain, and consumption of heavily processed foods - is thought to drive substantial shifts in the human microbiome. While diet strongly influences stool microbiome composition, the influence of diet on the oral microbiome, and particularly dental plaque, is largely speculative. Here we investigated whether dental plaque microbial communities are distinctly different across populations with dissimilar subsistence strategies and degree of industrialized market integration. Using a metagenomic approach, we compared the dental plaque microbiomes of Baka foragers and Nzime subsistence agriculturalists in Cameroon (n = 46) with the dental plaque and calculus microbiomes of highly industrialized populations in North America and Europe. We found that differences in microbial taxonomic composition between populations were minimal, with high conservation of abundant microbial taxa and no significant differences in microbial diversity related to dietary practices. Instead, we find that the major source of variation in dental plaque microbial species composition is related to tooth location and oxygen availability, and may be influenced by toothbrushing or other dental hygiene measures. Our results support that dental plaque, in contrast to the stool microbiome, maintains an inherent stability against ecological perturbations in the oral environment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE