Leveraging health through the enhancement of information access using Mobile and service oriented technology

Autor: Jimmy Macharia, Leah Mutanu, Gerald Chege, Sylvester Namuye
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: 2014 IST-Africa Conference Proceedings.
Popis: Kenya has a vision to create a globally competitive and prospective nation with a high quality of life by 2030. In order to achieve this, it developed a social pillar that aims at improving the quality of life through projects that are health related. We propose a project that aims at contributing to this vision by ensuring that health related information is accessible to all through an affordable and flexible solution. This study sets out to find a flexible, adaptable, and cost efficient, approach for storing and accessing information from the government portal. We draw these benefits from using the concept of cloud computing. However, cloud computing is not a new concept. The use of popular and readily available technology such as the Mobile phone can aid in leveraging information access through cloud computing. The innovative aspect of this study is the proposal of a solution that is flexible through the concept of runtime software adaptation in Service Orientated Architecture. An increasingly important requirement of software is ensuring that the system can adapt quickly and effectively to changing business and system needs. Several problem specific runtime adaptation techniques have been put forward. We propose a solution that is generic and hence can be used to address any challenge presented by information access on any information or sector represented on the government portal.
Databáze: OpenAIRE