Natural-Geographical Zoning and Geo-Ecologiacal Problems of Georgia’s Black Sea Coas

Autor: Melor Alpenidze, Tamar Aleksidze, Zurab Seperteladze, Eter Davitaia, George Gaprindashvili
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: American Journal of Environmental Protection. 4:58
ISSN: 2328-5680
Popis: The region’s natural geographic zones meant detection and mapping of Geo-complexes of Identified taxonomic rank. Geo-complexes - Individual territorial units differ from one another by natural conditions, landscapes hypsometry location and their spatial distribution, geo-ecological problems, shape and scale of anthropogenic impacts and extent of the character and quality of agriculture. Interest of Geo-ecological problem of the Region is caused by Black Sea (within Georgia) coast nature use process, utilization of the dynamic equilibrium potential faults. Negative changes in the functioning of natural systems and the disorder lead to unwanted changes. Possible solution to the problem of ecological science and environmental components geo-complexes scientific studies based on geographical and ecological aspects of the current state estimates, analysis and forecasts. Research object: Black Sea coastal zone – the eve of the land and sea include three geomorphological elements: coastline, beach and underwater slope. It is obvious that the acute deficit of sediment to the main geo-ecological problem even worse by strong anthropogenic pressure, which in turn is connected with the region’s natural resource potential (Resort-recreational, Balneology, mineral). Studies found that the magnitude of the loads exceeded the scale of anthropogenic and natural coastline of the permitted limits, contradicts the condition of the natural environment, focused on the conflict situation and the creation of an entirely new type of anthropogenic landscapes (aquatic, technogenic, recreational) towards development. Sea landscapes of natural conditions and ecological problems in the development of mixed-mode based on the detailed study was made possibility of natural-geographical zoning.
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