Возможности магнетронного распыления в создании ловушек экситонов и трионов для наноэлектронного приборостроения

Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.25686/2306-2819.2021.1.63
Popis: Экспериментально продемонстрирована работоспособность технологии коррекции формы и кривизны поверхности кристаллических волокон тонких плёнок, получаемых ме-тодом магнетронного распыления, с целью коррекции параметров квантово-размерных объектов нового вида, представленных наноразмерными ловушками экситонов и трионов. Через снятие вольт-амперной характеристики (ВАХ) обнаружена связь мемристорных свойств плёнки оксида цинка с наполняемостью ловушек экситонов.
Introduction. Currently, there are known a large number of properties of thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering [4–11]. However, the review of the scientific literature and patent search showed the lack of information on the capabilities of magnetron sputtering for producing nanoscale objects with quantum-size restrictions in one, two or three space directions. The aim of this research was to examine the capabilities of magnetron sputtering for producing various types of nano-sized traps of excitons and trions on surface defects of crystal fibers and to study the processes occurring in these traps for applying in the development of new physical principles for building nanoelectronic devices. Findings. It was shown that magnetron sputtering allows to produce thin film textures containing new nano-sized objects. The quantization of the exciton and trion energies inside the trap allows to develop new physical principles for building nanoelectronic devices. The principles of creating nano-sized traps of exciton and trion states excited at room temperature in thin films were formulated and experimentally implemented. Nano-sized volumes of exciton and trion gases were detected in the created traps. The energy of the quasiparticles localized in traps exhibits a quantum-size discretization of the spectra. Based on the processes of localization of exciton states in the traps in a thin zinc oxide film deposited by magnetron sputtering, we found a new physical effect associated with the influence of the properties of exciton traps on the flow of free electrons in the conduction band (that is, the current passing through the semiconductor with the property of memristor memory). The influence of traps is proved by the fact that the observed effect is absent in a similar film deposited by the chemical method (i.e. the film does not have exciton traps). By taking the current–voltage curve, we found a relationship between the memristor properties of the zinc oxide film and the exciton trap occupation. On the basis of the developed technological process of magnetron sputtering of thin films under the influence of a code acoustic signal, we showed the possibility of shaping surfaces of the crystalline phase of the films with different curvature and form, and from materials with different types of crystal structure. Copper, titanium and zinc oxide were used as model materials. These materials were used to obtain one-dimensional nano-objects in the form of quantum wires, nano-vickers, and filamentary nano-crystals with a helical surface shape, which curvature determines the parameters of exciton and trion traps. There was established the relationship between the diameter, length, pitch of the screw and the step of repetition of these one-dimensional nano-objects with the parameters of the code sequence of acoustic pulses, including the frequency and duty cycle of both carrier and modulating pulses.
Databáze: OpenAIRE