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Author(s): Bachan, J; Baden, S; Bonachea, D; Hargrove, P; Hofmeyr, S; Ibrahim, K; Jacquelin, M; Kamil, A; van Straalen, B | Abstract: This document has been superseded by: UPC++ Programmer’s Guide, v1.0-2018.3.0 (LBNL-2001136) https://escholarship.org/uc/item/10g5t8jr UPC++ is a C++11 library that provides Asynchronous Partitioned Global Address Space (APGAS) programming. It is designed for writing parallel programs that run efficiently and scale well on distributed-memory parallel computers. The APGAS model is single program, multiple-data (SPMD), with each separate thread of execution (referred to as a rank, a term borrowed from MPI) having access to local memory as it would in C++. However, APGAS also provides access to a global address space, which is allocated in shared segments that are distributed over the ranks. UPC++ provides numerous methods for accessing and using global memory. In UPC++, all operations that access remote memory are explicit, which encourages programmers to be aware of the cost of communication and data movement. Moreover, all remote-memory access operations are by default asynchronous, to enable programmers to write code that scales well even on hundreds of thousands of cores. |